

The Brazilian power sector is recognized for its large share of renewable sources. This profile tends to be maintained not only by the presence of hydropower, but also by the significant expansion of wind and solar power, small hydroelectric power plants and biomass. We must not forget about distributed energy resources such as batteries, electric vehicles and demand management, which can play an important role in the energy sector in medium or long term, as such technologies are booming. In this case, the development of smart grids is also necessary.

As the main source of generation in the country, hydroelectricity is well represented in the energy models used by the agencies responsible for the expansion and operation of the sector. The representation of conventional and nuclear thermoelectric plants is also dealt with appropriately, and they play a complementary role to hydraulic generation. On the other hand, the other renewable sources need specific treatment due to the uncertainty as to the availability of the resource, the intermittent generation, or the different strategies of the entrepreneur regarding the use of energy for self-consumption.

As the participation of alternative sources and distributed energy resources in the Brazilian power sector is expanding rapidly, appropriate treatment is required regarding their representation in the energy models used both for the expansion and operation of the electrical system.

In addition, it is also essential to think about new business models and regulatory improvements to pave the way for the insertion of new renewable sources and smart grids in the Brazilian electricity sector.

Thus, the purpose of this event is to bring experts from Brazil and other countries to discuss ideas on how to address such complexity in energy planning.

The event will be organized by Energy Planning Programme COPPE/UFRJ and Wärtsillä. Due to coronavirus outbreak, the 5th SINRENOVA will take place online.

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