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doi> Pereira, Marcio Gianini; Freitas, Marcos Aurélio Vasconcelos, Silva, Neilton Fidelis. Evaluation of the impact of access to electricity: A comparative analysis of South Africa, China, India and Brazil. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, v.15, issue 3, p.1427-1441.

doi> Carvalho, M. da Silva; Rosa, Luis Pinguelli; Bufoni, André Luis; Ferreira, Araceli Cristina de Souza. The issue of sustainability and disclosure. A case study of selective garbage collection by the Urban Cleaning Service of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – COMLURB. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, v.55, Issue 11, p-1030-1038.

doi> NUNES, R. T. S. ; PRODANOFF, J. ; NUNES, B. ; FREITAS, M. A. V. . "lncorporating Water Sensifive Urban Design (WSUD) practices into the planning context: the conceptual case for lot lotscale developments. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (Online), v. 121, p. 355-365, 2011.

doi> Lenzen, Manfred ; Schaeffer, Roberto . Historical and potential future contributions of power technologies to global warming. Climatic Change, v. 1, p. 1, 2011.

doi> Lampreia, João ; de Araújo, Maria Silvia Muylaert ; de Campos, Christiano Pires ; Freitas, Marcos Aurélio V. ; ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli ; Solari, Renzo ; Gesteira, Cláudio ; Ribas, Rodrigo ; Silva, Neílton F. . Analyses and perspectives for Brazilian low carbon technological development in the energy sector. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 15, p. 3432-3444, 2011.

doi> SOUZA, R. R. ; Schaeffer, Roberto ; Meira, Irineu . Can new legislation in importing countries represent new barriers to the development of an international ethanol market?. Energy Policy, v. 39, p. 3154-3162, 2011.

doi> Besser de Deus ; SILVA, L. F. C. F. ; FREITAS, M. A. V. . Conceptual spatio-temporal data modelling and land use change. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, v. V, p. 109-120, 2011.

doi> de Lima, Romulo S. ; Schaeffer, Roberto . The energy efficiency of crude oil refining in Brazil: A Brazilian refinery plant case. Energy (Oxford), p. 3101-3112, 2011.

doi> Soito, João Leonardo da Silva ; Freitas, Marcos Aurélio Vasconcelos . Amazon and the expansion of hydropower in Brazil: Vulnerability, impacts and possibilities for adaptation to global climate change. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 15, p. 3165-3177, 2011.

doi> SANTOS, M. A. ; ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli . Greenhouse gas emissions from hydropower reservoirs: a synthesis of knowledge. International Journal on Hydropower & Dams, v. 11, p. 1-4, 2011.
