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doi> Sena, José Antônio ; Beser de Deus, Leandro Andrei ; Freitas, Marcos Aurélio V. ; Costa, Lazaro . Extreme Events of Droughts and Floods in Amazonia: 2005 and 2009. Water Resources Management, v. 25, p. 110-125, 2012.

doi> SIKAR, Elizabeth ; MATVIENKO, Bohdan ; SANTOS, M. A. ; PATCHINEELAM, Sambasiva Rao ; SANTOS, Ednaldo Oliveira dos ; SILVA, Marcelo Bento ; ALMEIDA, Carlos Henrique Eça de ; CIMBLERIS, A. C. ; ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli . Silicon as a permanent-carbon sedimentation tracer. Inland Waters, v. 2, p. 119-128, 2012.

doi> ANDRADE, E. M. ; COSENZA, J. P. ; ROSA, L ; LACERDA, G. . The vulnerability of hydroelectric generation in the Northeast of Brazil: The environmental and business risks for CHESF l. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 16, p. 5760-5769, 2012.

doi> Vazquez, E., Neto, A., Rola, S.M., Alves, L., Freitas, M., Pinguelli Rosa, L. Thermal comfort in sustainable buildings: Case study cenpes/UFRJ-RJ/Brazil. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 165, pp. 387-398, 2012.

doi> BARAN, RENATO ; Legey, Luiz Fernando Loureiro . The introduction of electric vehicles in Brazil: Impacts on oil and electricity consumption. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2012.

doi> Rola, S.M., Vasquez, E.G., Carvalho, L.F.B., Leite da Fonseca, I.C., Vasconcelos de Freitas, M.A., Pinguelli Rosa, L. The sustainability of construction: Techniques and technologies for energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gases - methodological aspects. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 165 , pp. 421-430, 2012.

doi> BLUM, HELCIO ; LEGEY, LUIZ F.L. . The challenging economics of energy security: Ensuring energy benefits in support to sustainable development. Energy Economics, v. 34, p. 1982-1989, 2012.

doi> CARVALHO, M. D. S. ; ROSA, L. P. ; BUFONI, A. L. ; OLIVEIRA, L. B. . Putting solid household waste to sustainable use: a case study in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Waste Management & Research (Online), v. 30, p. 1312-1319, 2012.

doi> Lins, Marcos Estellita ; Oliveira, Luciano Basto ; da Silva, Angela Cristina Moreira ; ROSA, LUIZ PINGUELLI ; Pereira Jr., Amaro Olimpio . Performance assessment of Alternative Energy Resources in Brazilian power sector using Data Envelopment Analysis. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 16, p. 898-903, 2012.

doi> ANDRADE, E. M. ; COSENZA, J. P. ; ROSA, L. P. ; LACERDA, G. ; LAURENCEL, L. C. . Sensitivity of Hydropower performance to climate change: A case study of a Brazilian Company. African Journal of Business Management, v. 6, p. 9250-9259, 2012.
